日時 | 講師 |
講演題名 |
03/03/05 (Wed)
松田 智裕 (埼玉工大)
International Symposium
03/02/19 (Wed)
高梨 宇宙
貫井 千尋
03/02/12 (Wed)
03/02/05 (Wed)
橘川 薫
Faddeev-Niemi conjecture and effective action of QCD
佐藤 佳
Charges from Dressed Matter
佐藤 徳弥
Quantum theory of collective motion and anapplication theory of extended hadrons
03/01/29 (Wed)
糸井 千岳 (日大理工)
03/01/22 (Wed)
丸 信人 (東大理)
Exactly Solved BPS Walland Winding Number in N=1 Supergravity
03/01/15 (Wed)
横山 将志 (東大理)
B中間子系におけるCP violationの発見
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02/12/11 (Wed)
竹内 嘉浩 (日大理工)
中性K, B中間子系におけるCP, T及びCPT対称性の破れの現象論的研究
02/12/04 (Wed)
浜田 賢二 (KEK)
Asymptotically DeSitterness and Physical States in
Strong Coupling Phase of 4D Quantum Gravity
02/11/27 (Wed)
沢田 哲雄 (日大理工)
Proposal to confirm the strong long range force in the low
energy neutron-Pb scattering
02/11/20 (Wed)
02/11/13 (Wed)
小久保 陽介 (日大理工)
Massive Yang-Mills 理論における有効ポテンシャルとカラーの閉じ込め
02/11/6 (Wed)
迫田 誠治 (防大)
Path Integral Quantization with First-Class Constraints
02/10/30 (Wed)
鴨下 淳一 (お茶の水女子大)
Probing noncommutativity parameter in NCQED at future $e^-e^+$ colliders
02/10/24 (Th)
Gunnar Bjork (Royal Instiate of Technlo)
Applications of Entangled States Quantum lithography and quantum imaging
02/10/23 (Wed)
Single photons :what are they and what can we do with them?
02/10/16 (Wed)
Wu Ning (北京高能物理研究所)
Experimental study on \sigma and \kappa in J/\psi decay
02/10/09 (Wed)
石橋 真人 (東大理)
Lattice Chiral Symmetry and the Wess-Zumino Model
02/10/02 (Wed)
亀淵 迪 (日大理工)
量子力学再考 -粒子の定義について-
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02/07/10 (Wed)
慈道 大介 (核理研)
Chiral symmetry for Baryons
02/07/03 (Wed)
古田 黄 (中大理工)
Low-Energy Dynamics of Noncommutative CP(1) Solitons in 2+1 Dimensions
02/06/26 (Wed)
関口 宗男 (国士関大工)
02/06/19 (Wed)
植原 正行 (佐賀大)
Low Mass Scalar Mesons Viewed From a Unitaized Chiral Theory
02/06/12 (Wed)
鈴木 克彦 (沼津工業高専)
Hard diffractive processes in QCD and dynamics of the color-dipole at small-x
02/06/05 (Wed)
02/05/29 (Wed)
高松 邦男 (KEK)
中間子分光学 − $J/\Psi$崩壊デ−タの解析
02/05/22 (Wed)
02/05/15 (Wed)
猪木 慶治 (神奈川大)
中間子−核子散乱の全断面積は高エネルギーでどのように増えるであろうか? $\log s$,$(\log s)^2$?
02/05/08 (Wed)
志摩 一成 (埼玉工大)
非線形超対称性と、時空と物質の統一理論 ー超子・重力子模型ー
02/05/01 (Wed)
02/04/25 (Wed) |
柿崎 充 (東北大理) |
Proton Decay, Fermion Masses and Texture from Extra Dimensions in SUSY GUTs |
02/04/17 (Wed) |
大場 一郎 (早大理工) |
開いた系のstochastic state diffusion法による量子化 |