
   As regards level-classification of hadrons, there exist two contrasting, non-relativistic and relativistic, viewpoints. The former has been a base for the PDG level-classification scheme adopted for the last 4 decades. The property of $\pi$-meson as a Nambu-Goldstone boson associated with spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry gives a support to the latter. Recently existence of the light-mass iso-scalar scalar meson, which has been controversial for many years,is widely accepted; as a matter of fact, all speakers in the workshop ``$\sigma$-Meson 2000" (Kyoto) ``took the light $\sigma$ for granted". It also appears as ``$f_0(600)$ or $\sigma$" in the newest edition of the PDG list.

   Physical implication of the existence of $\sigma$ is important and it gives further support to the relativistic view.Thus, the hadron spectroscopy is now being confronted with a serious problem in unifing the above two contradictory viewpoints. For solving this, it seems necessary to pursue the
relativistic viewpoint in a more basic level, such as a covariant description of bound systems with chiral symmetry being taken into account. The purpose of this symposium is to review the present situation on the hadron spectroscopy and to find a clue to its further development.